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Executing Workflows

Rapid Workflows are not simply BPMN 2.0-compliant diagrams, but are also executable. There are several methods for executing a process diagram, which are outlined below:

Manual Starts

All process diagrams can be started manually using the Launch button in the Workflow experience.

  1. Save your process diagram using the Save button in the Command Strip.

  2. Press the Launch button on the far right-hand side of the Command Strip

A screenshot of the jumbotron and command strip at the top of the Workflow experience. At the far right of the screenshot is the Launch button. The button is annotated with a red box around it to highlight its location. The launch button has a picture of a rocket ship, and the word "Launch".

Manual Start

The default Start Event (pictured above) can only be triggered by using the manual launch button inside the Workflow experience.

When a process run is launched without error, the following alerts will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen indicating that the process run started correctly.

A screenshot showing the appearance of the alerts for a successful run. There are two rectangles with white text, indicating a positive outcome. The top alert reads: "Process run started successfully" and "Process Run 18 Started".

Process Run Starts

Some process runs may have a delay before Workflow indicates that they started. This occurs when a process run is executing a particularly complex element or series of elements at the start of its process run.

Process runs can also be triggered to begin by configuring a menu button on a table, item, or the sidebar, and then pressing it.

Signal Start Events

Another method for executing a Workflow process is to begin with a Signal Start Event. These Signal events can detect when an item is created or updated on a particular table. This then causes the Workflow process diagram to begin automatically.